
Flourish Cosmetic Clinic App

CreativeTags together with Dr. Michael Aicken created a web application for cosmetic clinics. The system allows the clinic to replace paper forms with iPads capturing patient data and treatment consent.

Benefits include guaranteeing mandatory fields are filled, easy access to patient history, end of year reports generated automatically and data securely backed up off-site.


In a typical scenario, a patient Joan comes to the clinic to discuss treatment options with the practitioner Dr. Smith. The receptionist greets Joan and asks her to fill out her details on an iPad. Joan records details including medical conditions which may effect treatments and signs her name with a stylus passing the iPad back to the receptionist. Dr. Smith is able to check her information from his office before discussing treatment options with her.

When Joan comes back for her chosen treatment Dr. Smith is able to easily bring up her record and attach information about the treatment. He can take before and after photographs with the iPad which can be annotated on screen. The clinic owner can monitor live performance metrics from their office in another city.

Michael Aicken
Dr. Michael Aicken

I have worked alongside CreativeTags for 3 years on a variety of projects. Mark excels at offering both graphic design and programming services in combination. He listens to what I, as a client, would like and helps orientate me as to what is possible as well as suggesting ways to improve our current systems. More important than all of that, I enjoy working with Mark because I know that I can trust him to quote on projects accurately.